Jason Rosado’s wellness journey began in December 2019.
Following a severe stroke that landed him in a medically induced coma, Jason says he became inspired to make radical changes to his diet and fitness levels. But before he could fully get there, Jason first had to start with his stroke recovery at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital.
Admitted to Good Shepherd’s CARF-accredited stroke rehabilitation program, Jason relearned how to walk, eat and care for himself with the help from physiatrists, nurses, therapists and his fiancée. Jason then graduated to outpatient therapy at the Hyland Center for Health & Technology, a seamless transition, he says.

“Going from Good Shepherd inpatient [rehabilitation] to outpatient, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far,” says Jason. “The steps that I’ve taken, the push that I’ve been given by the people that have put their hearts into what they do and been there for me every day, is top notch. I couldn’t think of anywhere else that I would rather be than Good Shepherd for my rehab.”
In addition to a steady schedule of outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapies, as well as outpatient check-ups and Botox to treat spasticity (stiff muscles) caused by the stroke.
Now, the 41-year-old Allentown resident feels good about himself and his overall progress. He weighs 170 lbs., down from a pre-stroke weight of 255 lbs. Jason says he’s eating healthy, avoiding sweets and sodas and not eating late at night. He attributes his nutritional turnaround and overall recovery to the Good Shepherd team.
Human Resiliency and Rehabilitation
Jason continues physical therapy and occupational therapy, including working in the Ekso Bionics exoskeleton — robotic technology that helps patients walk following stroke, spinal cord injury and other traumatic injuries or illnesses. Good Shepherd is a leading user of the Ekso technology, and one of a handful of recognized Centers of Excellence in the world.
Jason keeps reaching goals, and his next one is to walk unassisted.
“I want to fully walk unassisted,” says Jason. “It’s a long road, but I want to be on the road and able to feel like I’m getting there. That’s where I am right now. I’m on the road going to where I need to be.”
To learn more about how Good Shepherd’s stroke rehabilitation services and programs, request an appointment, schedule a tour or call 1.888.44.REHAB (73422).