
Good Shepherd’s Bridge to Home Program Goes Further for Young DiGeorge Syndrome Patient

August 27, 2021

Rahmell, a DiGeorge syndrome patient, traveled from New York to Good Shepherd.

After being hospitalized with a respiratory virus earlier this year, 1-year-old Rahmell traveled from New York to the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit.

Born with DiGeorge syndrome, a genetic disorder that impacts overall development, Rahmell experienced language delays, ate only through a G tube, couldn’t stand and faced difficulty playing. His parents sought help through Good Shepherd’s Bridge to Home Program.

By discharge, Rahmell could communicate, crawl, play with toys, stand at surfaces and take steps in a gait trainer on the treadmill. His feeding improved, too. Through Bridge to Home, mom and dad received training for Rahmell’s ongoing medical care.

To learn more about Good Shepherd’s Bridge to Home Program, call 1-888-44-REHAB or request an appointment online.